Shakti, Goddess of Energy

The Mythology

In Hindu India, Shaki (pronounced shock'tee), the Goddess, is active, powerful, vital-the animating force of the universe. The masculine is the passive, inert, dormant force. Each Shakti has her God with whom she unites in sexual union. Without union, neither can do anything. To the Tantric mystics, the ultimate union with Shakti happens at the moment of death. 

Shakti, portrayed here seated within the luminous world egg, is protected by the serpent, kundalini, the emanation of her own divine enery.

The Lessons of this Goddess

Shakti explodes into your life to energize and vitalize you. The way to wholeness for you now lies in learning to work with Shakti: divine, cosmic, orgasmic Goddess of energy. 

Have you been feeling tired? Do life and all its demands exhaust you? 

Do you keep giving your enery, your vitality, without taking in, recharging, revitalizing? 

Perhaps there is something you want to manifest but don't feel you have enough energy to do it. The Goddess says there is abundant energy available for you. All you need to do is learn how to connect with it.


Shri Swaminarayan Mandi

Mahapalipuram temple during on Pallava dynasty:

The special sources in mahabalipuram:

Vinayagar or Ganesha Sathurthi