Take Care about your cat:

Take Care about your cat:

Our pets are very good for our health,it will avoiding the depression and loneliness.Always we have a habbit to close with our lively pets.This habbit will avoid the feeling of the need of having someone around at all time. This is entirely depends of your individual performance and your mind set.

Most of people maintain their pets like their child and share thier feelings with them.They are love and taking full care of about their new kitten. Cats have often been associated with power and mystery and also were considered as a witch's best friend.

Cats are really more intelligent as compared to dogs.and they don't need grooming assistance like dogs. They use their saliva to clean their coat and use little boxes properly they can easily manage on their own.


Shri Swaminarayan Mandi

Mahapalipuram temple during on Pallava dynasty:

The special sources in mahabalipuram:

Vinayagar or Ganesha Sathurthi